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HomeResourcesJuly 2023 Funding Opportunities

July 2023 Funding Opportunities

Native American Language Resource Centers (NALRC) Program

The purpose of this program, which further aligns resources provided by the Department with the policies in the Native American Languages Act (NALA), is to support establishing, strengthening, and operating one or more Native American language resource centers.

Congress recently emphasized the need to support the use of Native American languages as a medium of instruction for a variety of age levels, academic content areas, and types of schools, including Native American language medium education, by passing the Native American Language Resource Center Act of 2022 (NALRCA). According to a 2011 US Census American Community Survey (ACS), it is estimated that during 2006–2010 there were fewer than 372,095 Native language speakers in the US. OThe NALRC Program supports projects that will preserve, protect, and promote the rights and freedoms of Native Americans to use, practice, and develop Native American languages in furtherance of the policies in NALA and the US trust responsibility to Tribal Nations. Native American language resource centers supported by the NALRC Program will be staffed by individuals with relevant expertise and experience, including staff who speak American Indian, Alaska Native, or Native Hawaiian languages and have worked in Native language education in a preschool, elementary school, secondary school, adult education, or higher education program.

Eligibility: The following entities are eligible to apply under this competition: (a) an institution of higher education (as defined in this notice); (b) an entity within an institution of higher education with dedicated expertise in Native American language and culture education; or (c) a consortium that includes one or more entities described in paragraph (a) or one or more entities described in paragraph (b).
Deadline: July 28, 2023

Living Languages Grant Program (LLGP)

The Office of the Assistant Secretary–Indian Affairs, through OIED, is soliciting proposals from eligible applicants. Eligible applicants are Indian Tribes and Tribal Organizations, as defined in Section 4 of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act (ISDEAA), including Tribal Consortia. Eligible applicants may select or retain for-profit or nonprofit Tribal organizations to perform a grant’s scope of work for grant funding to support Tribal programs to create or expand a language immersion program. The LLGP will exclude as grantees BIE schools, BIE-funded schools, and programs targeting students enrolled in those schools.

The LLGP grants facilitate one of the purposes listed in the Snyder Act: “General support and civilization, including education.” The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023 authorizes the BIA to “carry out the operation of Indian programs by direct expenditure, contracts, cooperative agreements, compacts, and grants, either directly or in cooperation with States and other organizations.” Further, the Conference Report specifies, the agreement continues $5,676,000 for grants to federally recognized Indian Tribes and Tribal organizations to provide Native language instruction and immersion programs to Native students not enrolled at Bureau of Indian Education (BIE) schools, including those Tribes and organizations in states without bureau-funded schools.

The secretary or their designee will make the final determination on all grant awardees. OIED anticipates awarding approximately 18 to 22 grants under this announcement, ranging in value from approximately $250,000 to $300,000 in annual funding. LLGP awards will remain active for a three-year period of performance.

OIED will use a competitive evaluation process for awarding based on criteria described in Section E. Application review information of this notice: Only one application will be accepted from an eligible Tribe. LLGP funding is intended for immersion projects that can provide an “all-of-community” language program with measurable outcomes that will be achieved within the proposed period of performance. No project shall be funded that has comparable activities previously carried out under other federal assistance.

Eligibility: Native American Tribal governments (federally recognized); Native American Tribal organizations (other than federally recognized Tribal governments).

Deadline: Aug. 18, 2023

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