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Committee for Children shares current federal funding opportunities for SEL

Committee for Children works with policymakers from around the country and supports laws, policies, and funding that promote social–emotional learning (SEL), address bullying, and prevent child sexual abuse. This funding helps educators better support students, their families, and the entire community. This year there is additional relief funding for the COVID-19 pandemic, along with the standard fiscal year appropriations, available to you to implement or support SEL for students.

► American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARP Act), H.R. 1319
The most recent pandemic relief bill provides the largest round of COVID-19 relief funding for education through the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund. The relief package includes $350 billion in aid to state and local governments.
Amount: $122 billion
SEL Opportunities: States and state education agencies (SEAs) must use reserved funds to recover learning loss by spending on activities and interventions responding to students’ academic, social, and emotional needs. The same is true for the reserved funds of local education agencies, which are mostly school districts. Nonreserved funds can be spent on the same activities and interventions allowed under the previous ESSER funding rounds.
State Allocation Stipulations: May reserve up to 10% (but only up to 0.5% for administrative costs); 5% is reserved for interventions that address learning loss; 1% is reserved for summer enrichment programs; 1% is reserved for comprehensive after-school programs.
Award Deadlines: The U.S. Department of Education began disbursing allocations to SEAs in March 2021. SEAs must award subgrants to LEAs within 60 days of receiving the state’s allocation. Funds not allocated to LEAs may be awarded within one year.
LEA Allocation: Based on Title I formula. At least 20% of an LEA’s allocation is for implementing evidence-based interventions that address learning loss.
Deadline to Commit and Spend Funds: Sept. 30, 2024
(includes the twelve-month extension period for carryover funds applicable via the Tydings Amendment).

► Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act
(CRRSA), as included in H.R. 133
The CRRSA Act passed in conjunction with federal budget appropriations at the end of 2020. This bill was the second round of COVID-19 relief funding that allocated funds to mitigate the pandemic’s effect on education. In addition to funds allocated through the ESSER Fund, the bill also included funds allocated through the Governor’s Emergency Education Relief (GEER) Fund.
Amount: $54.3 billion (ESSER II) / $4.1 billion (GEER II)
SEL Opportunities: Funds may be used for activities authorized under ESEA, IDEA, AEFLA, and Perkins. Funds may be used to address the unique needs of student subgroups as well as to provide mental health services and supports (ESSER II). Governors may use funds for subgrants or contracts to education-related entities that the governor “deems essential” for providing social and emotional support (GEER II).
State Allocation Stipulations: May reserve up to 10% (but only up to 0.5% for administrative costs) (ESSER II); not applicable (GEER II).
Award Deadlines: State must award funds within one year of receiving allocation, no later than January 2022 (ESSER II and GEER II).
LEA Allocation: Based on Title I formula (ESSER II). Governors may provide subgrants to LEAs most significantly impacted by COVID to support their provision of educational services to students (GEER II).
Deadline to Commit and Spend Funds: Sept. 30, 2023 (ESSER II and GEER II).

► Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, (CARES) H.R. 748
The CARES Act was the first round of federal COVID-19 relief funding that included funds for education. The bill established the ESSER Fund as well as the GEER Fund.
Amount: $13.5 billion (ESSER) / $3 billion (GEER)
SEL Opportunities: Funds may be used for activities authorized under ESEA, IDEA, AEFLA, and Perkins. Additionally, funds may be used to address the unique needs of student subgroups as well as to provide mental health services and supports (ESSER).
Governors may use funds for subgrants or contracts to education-related entities that the governor deems essential for providing social and emotional support (GEER).
State Allocation Stipulations: May reserve up to 10% (but only up to 0.5% for administrative costs) (ESSER); not applicable (GEER).
Award Deadlines: State must award funds within one year of receiving its allocation, no later than June 2021 (ESSER and GEER).
LEA Allocation: Based on Title I formula (ESSER). Governors may provide subgrants to LEAs most significantly impacted by COVID to support their provision of educational services to students (GEER II).
Deadline to Commit and Spend Funds: Sept. 30, 2022 (ESSER and GEER).

► Fiscal Year 2021 Appropriations, as included in H.R. 133
Title I Grants to LEAs: Total Appropriation Amount (TAA) $16.5B; +$227M Change Over Previous FY Appropriation (Change); Federal Department (FD): Education
IDEA Part B Grants to states: TAA $12.9B; +$173M Change; FD: Education
Title II-A Supporting Effective Instruction State Grants: TAA $2.1B; +$11.3M Change; FD: Education
Title IV Student Support and Academic Enrichment State Grants: TAA $1.2B; +$10M Change; FD: Education
21st Century Community Learning Grants: TAA $1.3B; +$10M Change; FD: Education
Education Innovation and Research (The Evaluation Group): TAA $67M; +$2M Change; FD: Education
Full-Service Community Schools: TAA $30M; +$5M Change; FD: Education
School-Based Mental Health Services Grant Program: TAA $106M; +$2M Change; FD: Education
Project AWARE: TAA $107B; +$5M Change; FD: Health and Human Services (HHS)
National Child Traumatic Stress Initiative: TAA $72M; +$3M Change; FD: HHS
Child Care and Development Block Grant: TAA $5.9B; +$85M Change; FD: HHS
Head Start: TAA $10.7B; +$135M Change; FD: HHS

This information was reproduced with the permission of Committee for Children from www.cfchildren.org/blog/2021/03/federal-funding-for-sel-now-available-march-2021.

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