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World-Readiness as Career Readiness

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HomenewsEducationOct. 5 is World Teachers' Day

Oct. 5 is World Teachers’ Day


October 5 is World Teachers’ Day and this year the theme is “Teachers: Leading in crisis, reimagining the future.” The following is an excerpt from a joint message from UNESCO, the International Labour Organization, UNICEF, and Education International regarding this year’s theme:

“In this crisis, teachers have shown, as they have done so often, great leadership and innovation in ensuring that #LearningNeverStops, that no learner is left behind. Around the world, they have worked individually and collectively to find solutions and create new learning environments for their students to allow education to continue. Their role advising on school reopening plans and supporting students with the return to school is just as important.”

To read the message in its entirety, click here.

Throughout the week of October 5, UNESCO will host celebratory events online. Events slated to take place include the sixth edition of the UNESCO-Hamdan Teacher Prize and the launch of the Teacher Task Force’s Knowledge Platform.

World Teachers’ Day commemorates the anniversary of the adoption of the Recommendation concerning the Status of Teachers, which was put forth by UNESCO and the International Labour Organization in 1966. To learn more about UNESCO’s commitment to education, click here.

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