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HomenewsCOVID-19New America to Host Learning Sciences Exchange Summit Virtually due to Covid

New America to Host Learning Sciences Exchange Summit Virtually due to Covid

For the past two years, the Learning Sciences Exchange (LSX) fellows program has brought together experts in Europe and North America across four sectors—early learning research, policy, journalism, and entertainment—to share crucial insights from their fields and to collaboratively devise new methods for spreading the word about how to help young children develop and learn at their full potential. These fellows, working in teams for two years, have designed three scaleable projects that take creative, outside-the-box approaches to translating childhood development research for parents, educators, practitioners, and the broader public. Watch them showcase their ground-breaking work, ask them questions about their projects, and join New America, the International Congress on Infant Studies, and the Jacobs Foundation in an interactive discussion on why it is critical to elevate and improve early learning and science communication.

RSVP to the summit here.

Language Magazine
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