Continued support after initial professional learning is essential to see gains in student achievement. A report on effective professional development from the U.S. Department of Education stated that when there are at least 49 hours of professional learning, student achievement on state standardized tests increased by at least 21 percentile points. However, when teachers participated in 14 hours or less of professional learning, there was NO IMPACT on student achievement. After your team participates in a SIOP® workshop or completes an engaging SIOP® book study, how can you capitalize on that energy and momentum to achieve maximum impact on student learning? Below are three ways to SUPERBOOST your SIOP® to achieve maximum success.
Self-Reflection Supercharged
Reflection is key to growth and change. Yet with all the pressures of the classroom, it is also the first to be cut from the long to-do list. To keep reflection on the forefront, try recording your lessons and reflecting in the following ways:
A. Watch the lesson and look for implementation of all 8 Components of SIOP®. How do you see each of the features in your lesson? What would you replicate in the future? What would you change?
B. Watch the lesson without sound. If the features of the Comprehensible Input Component are highly evident, students should be able to understand the lesson through gestures, anchor charts, visuals and other multi-modal supports.
C. Watch the students. Instead of pointing the camera on you, turn the camera on the students and watch their actions, mannerisms, and participation as you teach. This will give great insight into when students are most engaged, confused, rushed, etc.
Coaching Counts
Coaching can be done in a variety of contexts with or without classroom observations.
A. Without classroom observations: Hold a study group to read and discuss the teaching scenarios at the end of each chapter of Making Content Comprehensible for English Learners: The SIOP® Model, 5th Edition. Try a “Pizza and Practice & Application” or “Lasagna and Lesson Preparation” lunch where teachers can gather and discuss a component and share what they have learned through SIOP® implementation. Use a staff meeting to demonstrate a SIOP® teaching technique for teachers to try in their classroom!
B. With classroom observations: Engage in coaching and reflection with a designated coach or try peer coaching with a trusted colleague. Ask the teacher being observed to choose the SIOP® Component and features to be observed. Let that teacher be the predominant voice during the reflection/debrief.
C. Lesson Planning: As the authors say in every SIOP® Institute, “You must teach SIOP® using SIOP®!” What a great way to get buy-in with teachers by showcasing your SIOP® lesson plan for an upcoming staff or team meeting.
Keep Learning
Pearson SIOP® has learning opportunities to continue to deepen knowledge and strengthen implementation of the SIOP® Model from SIOP® Institute II (two) discussions on deeper implementation practices and coaching to site-based SIOP® Coaching and Implementation in your context. Additional Pearson SIOP® trainings are Developing Academic Language, and SIOP® Component Enrichment offerings. Learn more about these trainings, along with others, at and “grow” your PLN (Professional Learning Network) by following Pearson SIOP® on Twitter @SIOPModel.
References available at
Andrea Rients is a Pearson SIOP® consultant.