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HomeLanguagesJapaneseLevi's Book of Barnyard Animals / Japanese

Levi’s Book of Barnyard Animals / Japanese

Levi’s Book of Barnyard Animals

Levi’s Book of Barnyard Animals presents 21 different animals of the barnyard — bull, cat, chicken, cow, dog, donkey, duck, fox, goat, goose, horse, mouse, owl, pig, rabbit, rat, rooster, sheep, skunk, squirrel, and turkey.

The following list of words are Japanese (Nihongo), in page order with the book.

[sc_embed_player fileurl=”https://languagemagazine.com/audio/animals_japanese_v1.mp3″]

Kamo かも

Niwatori にわとり

Ondori おんどり

Shichimenchou しちめんちょう

Gachou がちょう

Inu いぬ

Neko ねこ

Yagi やぎ

Hitsuji ひつじ

Oushi おうし

Ushi うし

Uma うま

Roba ろば

Buta ぶた

Risu りす

Nezumi ねずみ

Kitsune きつね

Sukanku スカンク

Fukurou ふくろう

Usagi うさぎ

Hatsuka-Nezumi はつかねずみ


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