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Language Magazine is a monthly print and online publication that provides cutting-edge information for language learners, educators, and professionals around the world.

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“You only get one chance at this life thing, don’t waste it!”

With the landscape changing for federal workers, many people are on the lookout for new career opportunities where they can apply their skills and...
HomeFeaturesJanuary 2013

January 2013

Nov 2012 Cover

Mother Knows Best
An African experiment lends considerable weight to the argument for mother-tongue education

2013 Wish List for World Languages
What could we do this year to improve world language education in the U.S?

The New Tests Will Survive, Even if School Doesn’t
Stephen Krashen presents a satirical press conference held by the U.S. Department of Education

When English Doesn’t Come Easy
John Carr and Sharen Bertrando offer strategies that are particularly successful with English learners and students with learning difficulties

Making High School Homework More Effective
Juan José Vázquez-Caballero puts the latest homework ideas to the test in the Spanish classroom

Keeping Class in Order
Francisco Ramos offers a framework to help develop well-sequenced lessons for all students

U.S. 4th Grade Reading Among Best in World

Last Writes Richard Lederer welcomes the new year as a Time to Move On

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