Tag: students

A Destination of Choice in Unprecedented Times

At the outset of the COVID pandemic last spring, public schools across Canada shifted to virtual/remote delivery remarkably well and expediently. Some of the...

Help Your Students Slide Up, Not Down, Over the Summer

During the summer months, young children lose literacy gains made during the school year, a phenomenon known as “summer slide.” The most ...

Where Do Students Store New Vocabulary?

A study on word learning recently published in Neuropsychologia is shedding light on the age-old question of how language learners’ minds store the target...

Joy in the Time of COVID

In these challenging times, it seems that we are all yearning for some way to incorporate moments of joy into our lives. Some have...

Elite Language Students Focus on Community Service

Even during these challenging times, language students contribute to the greater good. I recently attended (via Zoom, of course) the award ceremony of the...

The Other Spanish Golden Age

Students encounter excellent cultural references in today’s Spanish language textbooks. Striking photographs, stunning videos, and authentic materials bring the art, music, cuisine, and literature...

Race and Language Teaching

I moved to Birmingham, Alabama, in 1988 from Los Angeles, California. Even Birmingham’s undeniable legacy of racial injustice and violence could not quell my...

Teaching in the Atolls with no Virus Count

Welcome to CMI.  Our in-class classes never stopped. Things are the same. We waited and waited, then the virus never came. Walking around here, living life,...

The Art of Teaching

“Our students aren’t creative,” claimed one of the language teachers in the professional development workshop. The other participating teachers nodded in agreement. “How do you...

Harnessing the Power of a Teacher’s Pen

I recently asked a group of teachers to reflect on their own experiences as student writers. I asked them to cast their minds back...
Language Magazine