Why UDL Matters for English Language Learners

In 1922, my grandmother moved from Trois-Rivières, a city in Quebec, Canada, at the age of eleven. Speaking only French, and traveling with her...

States’ Commitment to English Learners Examined

Two reports have been submitted to the U.S. Department of Education which examine the...

Florida’s ESSA Plan ‘Impedes Progress of ELLs’

The Florida Department of Education’s implementation plan for the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) has been roundly criticized as it relates to English learner...

Florida Seeks Funds for Puerto Rican English Learners

With backing from a slew of Florida lawmakers, bipartisan legislation has been proposed...

Obama Calls ESEA Reauthorization a Christmas Miracle

This morning, President Obama signed the new iteration of the 50-year old Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). Before signing the bill the President...
Language Magazine